Thursday, 21 December 2006

jingle bells

hi all, mehn, its chrismass again, this is gonna be a pretty .... dunno, its good 2 be optimistic rite yeah, oh santa..., yeah rite, i have never ever gotten a christmass present exept from God of course, i mean he has given me life, so yeah. i was hoping i'd get some this year. One bobo asked me what i wanted, and u know u can never be too, modest i said i wanted a nano ipod but, y'all know now, not forthcomin at all, probably even forgotten. so i have been listenin to the radio, hopin to win an ipod but there givin shirts , caps, very silly stuff. did i mention that my fone was stolen, is that goddamnshitty or what, its very annoyin but God woll provide.
so i jus dey, hopin 4 the best, im open to gifts, yeah, cmon, show me some love.
Its that time of the year when u start drafting your new year resoution, mine, lots of them,
  1. no meals after seven
  2. sleep by 10;30, considerin the fact that i dont party
  3. exersize 4 at least 10 mins everyday
  4. update my blog at least 2ce a week
  5. pray more
  6. read my books
  7. and so on

my pple, and fellow bloggers, this is wishin y'all a very merry christ mass and a happy new year

all i wanth 4 crithmuth ith my 2 fron teeth; i read that

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Update at least twice a week, exercise at leat 10mins? Easier said than done. At least for me, I know its been difficult - its so cold outside and sometimes u get so busy with work et al updating is hard.

OK this is 3weeks into the new year - have u kept the resolutions religiously so far?